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Estates Strategy, Planning & Solutions

Latest Insights from our team

Supporting the shift from Hospital to Community Care

This roadmap provides a structured guide for Integrated Care Boards and their system partners seeking to optimise the out-of-hospital estate in line with the agenda of shifting care from hospitals to community settings.


Space Optimisation and Planning

We can maximise the functionality of your clinical spaces to enhance both patient care and operational efficiency. This includes leveraging the use of sensors to ensure informed, data-driven decision making. We also review patient and staff flows, clinical adjacencies and building stacking. 

Service Model Development

We combine population health needs assessments with evidence-based workforce and clinical models to develop an overarching model of care. This ensures your estates plans can deliver your wider objectives while being future proofed for technological and demand changes.

Estate Strategy

We support you to craft a strategic vision to align your estates portfolio and plans to wider objectives ensuring  physical and financial sustainability and resilience in your infrastructure. Estates blueprints translate these into implementation plans for improvement

Business Case

We create HMT compliant business cases to assess options and ensure project affordability. From Strategic Outline Case and Project Initiation Documentation through to Outline and Full Business Cases, we combine analysis of feasibility, costs, benefits and risks with technical requirements.

Demand & Capacity Modelling

We analyse activity and key operational parameters to understand the demand for clinical rooms and beds, optimising their allocation within healthcare facilities across the system. We assess the workforce to determine the space to support their needs.

Schedules of Accommodation

We develop robust schedules of accommodation compliant with Health Building Notes (HBNs) and informed workforce and activity modelling. These tools are critical in informing financial assessment and ensuring that all buildings meet regulatory requirements.

Making a vision reality

Check out our Knowledge Hub

For lots of case studies, best practice, tips and tricks and our thoughts on industry topics, please go to our Knowledge Hub.

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Strategic and Technical Support

We provide the strategic and technical skills to ensure your estates is fit-for-purpose, optimising what you have and planning for any development needs.

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Jim Brooks

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Our Estates experts led by Director Jim Brooks are available for a chat about how we can help!

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