Case Studies
Bid Support

Ranworth PCN
Bid support for the procurement of APMS contracts for multiple practice offers

Torbay and South Devon NHS FT
Bid support for a partnership to deliver Children and Young People’s community health and care services.

Livewell Southwest CIC
Partnership bid for integrated community health, mental health, and social care contract to create a fully integrated offer.

Provide CIC
Bid support for incumbent provider of Sexual Health Services with ambitious specification detailing a transformative model.

Livewell Southwest CIC
Tender Submission support to join an NHS England national framework to deliver a digital smoking cessation service.

Provide CIC
Bid support for a radical new service model for Wellbeing Services.

Provide CIC
Implementation of a new digital system with two interfaces across four partner organisations.

Mayflower Primary Care Network
Mobilisation Support for taking on a caretaker contract.

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT
Development of a new Trust Strategy following an “Inadequate” CQC rating and being subjected to the Recovery Support Programme.
Commercial Growth

City Healthcare Partnership CIC
Development of a domiciliary care service that addressed the market failure in social care.

Livewell Southwest CIC
Development of new services to meet gaps in the current market and alleviate pressure on acute hospital and community services.

Livewell Southwest CIC
Support with business development and commercial strategy.

City Healthcare Partnership CIC
Strategic outline case for the development of a digital-first health service for looked after children and care leavers.

City Healthcare Partnership CIC
Support with designing and appraising a holistic supported housing service for Care Leavers.
Estates Services

Livewell Southwest CIC
Developing people-focused estates strategy “Smarter Spaces” and navigating a post-pandemic way of working.

Primary Care Network
Leading the development of a business case to secure additional estate space for a Primary Care Network (PCN).
Quality Assessment and Improvement
Quality Assessment and Improvement

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT
Utilising CQC's Single Assessment Framework to enable cross-learning and improve care delivery and safety across the Trust

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT
Supporting a mental health trust to deliver on their CQC Must and Should Dos

Mayflower Medical Group
Leading the mobilisation of a primary care contract, ensuring a safe and seamless contract handover

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT
Developing a robust improvement programme to address the key quality and safety issues within a mental health trust
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